Thursday, 24 July 2014

Why Shark Movies Are Brilliant by Jack

Shark movies are awesome because people are always getting chewed in half and having limbs severed. I like Jaws because the music makes it really scary because you can't see the shark but you know it's coming. The first Jaws is packed with suspense and goriness. My favourite bit is when the shark attacks Dr Hooper in the cage. Unfortunately the other Jaws movies were not so good with awful shark models in Jaws II, CGI that was nearly as bad as the new Star Wars movies in Jaws III and a shark that explodes by swimming into a boat in Jaws: the Revenge. 

Deep Blue Sea is another bad ass movie were scientists get stuck in their compound with bloodthirsty super smart sharks. I like the bit when Samuel L Jackson gave a great heroic speech and just after he finished he got eaten by a shark. My favourite bit is when Preacher the chef gets trapped in the oven after losing his bird to a shark in an oven which has accidentally turned on. While the shark was busting through the glass Preacher makes a hole and climbs out of the top, jumps out and with his awesome line of: "you ate my bird"  throws his lighter into the gas oven and blows the shark up. Although there was some shonky CGI the model sharks were amazing.

Me and my Dad have the pleasure of watching some other ones Such as... Sharks in Venice, (that's actually its name) Shark Attack and Ghost Shark. Dad can't wait!

It's a Family Affair...

Welcome to The Warner Corner. This is a blatant attempt by me, Dad Warner, to get my two sons, Jack and Leo, to read and write more. As both seem pretty impressed that I keep a blog (The Blog of Delights - it's great! Check it out!) I thought creating a blog where my two sons can write their own mini-posts on books and films would encourage them to read more and write more and hopefully learn to enjoy writing a little more. If all else fails, I'll stick one of my posts up from my blog.

As an English teacher, it's hard to sit in a parents' evening and hear how one of your boys doesn't like writing - in fact, he finds it absolute torture. I know how important it is for a child to have good writing skills and, with one son about to start big school and one the year after, more proactive measures seem necessary. Hopefully, if they take to this, I'll see their writing and views develop. Well, that's the hope...

Now all I have to do is entice them off FIFA 14 long enough to write something...